Building the Dream Studio
You guys have been asking me for a studio tour and today is the day I’m delivering on that request. But I thought it might be fun to share with you a few pictures of what the studio looked like as we were building it and a few pictures from several years ago as I had just moved in.
My husband and I worked with a great builder (ProBuilt Homes) who allowed us to tweak several areas of our home. One of those areas was my studio space. This space was initially 2 bedrooms. We combined the 2 rooms, added lots of windows, and added a deep sink into the space. From there it was up to myself to make it into my dream studio.
I wanted to work with what I already had and create in the space for a while before making any major purchases or decisions on the layout. So I started out with an old IKEA desk we had and some cubes from Target. As you can see from the very messy desk, I quickly realized I could use a larger work space.
From there the studio started to take shape into what it is today.
A few areas that are not talked about a lot in the studio tour videos are my desk area (which my husband built out of lumber and pipe) and the large window seat that houses my records (made out of kitchen cabinets and a cushion that I sewed).
Now that you have an idea how this studio space came to be…. Cue the drum roll and bring on the complete studio tour!
If you want a more in depth tour of each area go here and be sure to take a look at the blooper real.
Thank you for taking a look back at where it all started and for encouraging me to create these videos. More videos are coming in the very near future.