The Uncertainty of a Creative and the Business of Art
Making art; putting art out into the world; hoping someone, anyone resonates with it, it’s never certain. It’s never guaranteed that a piece will sell, that anyone will like it. It’s a messy business because art is messy.
When an artist creates a piece it is not just a pretty picture on a piece of wood or a canvas, it came from their heart, from their soul. So when it is released out into the world it is personal.
Business isn’t personal - but the art is. The lines are a bit blurred here.
Claude Monet once said, “What I am doing is no good, and in spite of your confidence I am very much afraid that my efforts will all lead to nothing.” As an artist, I feel this every time I put something out into the universe. That is not to say that the art is no good. I am always sure that the art is good (well at least 99.9% of the time). I am always confident that I have put everything into a piece and it is finished. The uncertainty comes when the painting is released to the public. What if no-one likes it? That fear is very real.
So you may be asking why the heck would you keep painting?
That my friend is easy to answer. It is about the connection. The connection to nature when the light hits a tree just right and it “needs” to be painted. The connection and camaraderie with fellow artists. And the connection to people who have shared their stories of what a piece of art means to them. Connection is everything.
So if a piece never sells it is ok - it is discouraging and a bit heartbreaking, but it is ok. because it wasn’t meant to be. The creating of the piece was enough, the hope that someone saw it and it prompted a conversation is enough.
For myself, art is a universal language that brings people together and that draws us to nature.
If you made it this far thank you. I’d love to know what art means to you. Leave a comment below or drop me an email. Let’s connect!