Painting your view recap weeks 1-6

We are on Week 7 of painting your favorite places.

Since we are almost half way through the project, I thought this would be a good time for a recap.


Week one

The start - A daunting task to paint for 100 days, but seeing so many of you send me some amazing photos gave me excitement for what’s ahead.

Photo Feb 08, 12 42 29 PM.jpg

Week Two

The mountains - a place to escape, relax, and replenish the soul. I find making art does a similar thing. You get can lost in the process.

Photo Feb 21, 8 10 34 AM.jpg

Week Three

Painting an image that is a bit closer to home this week. A beautiful Lake Erie sunset. I was drawn to the colors in the photo as these are colors I have not painted with as much.

Photo Feb 21, 8 10 59 AM.jpg

Week Four

This week was all about going a bit outside my comfort zone. The painting combines 2 photos and involves a Bison.

Photo Mar 03, 11 34 51 AM.jpg

Week Five

“Golden Waves” This was the name on the photo that was sent to me. I am not great at coming up with names for paintings so having this already named was a wonderful excuse to paint this one. I was also drawn to the contrast of colors and textures


Week 6

A beacon shining it’s light during a storm, keeping others safe and sound. I felt like this lighthouse was a metaphor for what was happening in the world. As we started to see some light and some hope. I knew I had to paint this photo. And Forrest Gump ran to this point, can it get more inspiring?

Thank you for being part of this journey - Stay tuned for weeks 7-15


Come follow me on Instagram for more sneak peeks of the painting thru you view 100 day project.


Five Unexpected Art Supplies


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